Social Justice. Equality. Enterprise.

Actionnaires Activity Group for Visually Impaired Young People in Cumbria


Actionnaires in Cumbria Activity Group for Visually Impaired Young People

Action For Blind People 09.12

Actionnaires in Cumbria is an activity club aimed at visually impaired 4-16 year olds. We offer a variety of activities around the county to suit a range of children and young people’s needs.

Currently planned activities include music, drama, sculpture, art and photography, ten pin bowling, horse riding, lots of fun sports and other  activities and residential weekends!

All activities are organised to ensure children and young people can take part regardless of their visual impairment and are supervised by staff who understand the issues around living with sight loss.

Actionnaire Activity 09.12

For further information or details of our events please contact:

Fiona Goldie

Actionnaires Activity Coordinator
Children, Young People and Families Service

M:07515 188 332

Please click to find Cumbria Actionnaires Activity Document - October to December 2012

Actionnaires 2

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