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Vulnerable Cumbrians urged to get Winter Flu Jab from 3 October


News & Star, Saturday, 24 September 2011 

Vulnerable people in Cumbria are being urged to get vaccinated as the 2011 winter flu campaign prepares to launch in the county.

Figures released by NHS Cumbria show an extra 232 people died last winter compared to the average expected over the whole year.

Many of those who died will have suffered from conditions such as heart disease, breathing problems and other common illnesses made worse by flu.

The best way that vulnerable people can protect themselves against flu is by being vaccinated.

The Department of Health is launching this year’s flu campaign on Monday 3 October 2011 – when doctors’ surgeries across the country will start to get their supplies of the jab.

At-risk groups across Cumbria are therefore reminded not to forget to book themselves in.

People who qualify can now start getting in touch with their GP surgery to arrange an appointment.

For most healthy people, flu is an illness from which they will fully recover by staying at home and getting plenty of rest and fluids.

Older people, those with chronic illnesses or long-term conditions and pregnant women, are at greater risk of developing complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. This is why these groups are invited to get the flu vaccine every year.

As the first round of clinics prepare to start running to across Cumbria, health professionals want to make people aware that they should contact their GP surgery to book an appointment.

Dr Nigel Calvert, NHS Cumbria’s associate director of public health, said: "If you’re over 65 or if you suffer from a chronic illness or long-term condition then developing flu can be very nasty and may lead to complications such as pneumonia which can put your life at risk. Every year different strains of flu circulate in the community and the seasonal flu vaccine is specially developed to protect against these.

"Last year was a particularly bad winter and there was lots of flu around, so it’s important that everyone is prepared this year and gets the vaccine as soon as possible.”

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