Social Justice. Equality. Enterprise.

Become a Healthwatch Ambassador – Volunteer Post


Become a Healthwatch Ambassador – Volunteer Post

Volunteer ambassadors are required to engage with members of the public around the county, promoting the role of Healthwatch and encouraging people to become involved.
This is a voluntary position. Training and support will be provided and expenses will be paid.

Job Description Healthwatch Ambassadors

Application Form

Equal Opportunities Form

Who is healthwatch Cumbria?

Healthwatch Cumbria is a powerful, independent, community-based organisation for the people of Cumbria. It has the law behind it and is made more powerful by the national influence of Healthwatch England and the Government. We want everyone in Cumbria to be part of Healthwatch.

What is Healthwatch Cumbria here to do?

Healthwatch Cumbria is set up to champion the views of patients and people who use health and social care in Cumbria, with the goal of making services better and improving health and wellbeing.

Its main roles are to:

  • Gather information on the quality of services in Cumbria, highlighting local issues that are raised by the public and forwarding those that require a national response to Healthwatch England
  • Make sure that health and social care are held responsible for their actions, and the services they provide
  • Promote better, and more joined-up services for people who use health and social care in Cumbria
  • Help people to find ways to improve their personal health and wellbeing
  • Provide free information to help people know about health and social care services and understand the choices available.

What will Healthwatch do for you?

Healthwatch Cumbria will help people in Cumbria to get the best out of local health and social care services by talking and listening to people in every part of Cumbria and then telling local services about people’s experiences

Healthwatch Cumbria will challenge organisations which need to do better and highlight examples where others are going the extra mile for the people they serve. It wants to hear the good and the bad. Every voice counts when it comes to shaping the future of services and improving them.

The National Focus

Healthwatch England will enable Healthwatch Cumbria to bring important issues to the attention of decision makers nationally. Healthwatch England will also provide support to all Local Healthwatch organisations, like Healthwatch Cumbria and act as the national consumer champion.

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