Social Justice. Equality. Enterprise.

NHS National BME Cancer Patient Advisory Panel would like your opinion on Cancer Services


NHS National BME Cancer Patient Advisory Panel

would like your opinion on Cancer Services

If you have experience of cancer in your family as a patient or family member and you are of Black or Minority Ethnic (BME) origin and would like to have your voice heard, join the NHS National BME Cancer Patient Advisory Panel.

Please call 0800 634 7382 to order a paper form over the phone or visit to complete a brief online form.

The following document "Reducing cancer inequality: evidence, progress and making it happen - A report by the National Cancer Equality Initiative” explains the purpose of doing this is: -

"The Cancer Reform Strategy made clear that every person affected by cancer should receive world class services at each stage of their cancer journey. Yet we know that inequalities between different groups of people persist: in incidence, access to services and treatment, patient experience and outcomes.

Our vision is to achieve high quality, personal treatment and care for everyone affected by cancer by tackling inequalities and promoting equality across cancer services in England.

Every professional involved in the delivery of treatment, care and support has the opportunity to play an important role in promoting equality throughout the patient pathway: from working to reduce or manage people’s risk factors for developing cancer, to promoting earlier diagnosis, ensuring people are offered the right treatment at the right time, and feel that they are treated with dignity and respect.”

Please see the document links below: -

NHS-National Cancer Equality Initiative-Reducing Cancer Inequality-2010

NCEI-Reducing Inequalities In Commissioning Cancer Services-Good Equality Working

Please see the website link below: -

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